On-board batteries from electric vehicles can be used in domestic installations as an auxiliary source of energy through their vehicle-to-home features. To properly manage this kind of assets, Home Energy Management systems are expected to be essential tools in future smart grids, enabling a more efficient use of energy in residential applications. However, these tools normally perform under severe uncertain environments caused by intermittent renewable generation, uncertain prices, uncertain demand as well as uncertain behaviour of electric vehicles. In this regard, further research should be conducted in order to develop advanced robust energy management tools that account for the effect of uncertainties. So far, most of the existing literature focused on simple stochastic approaches, that may pose various issues, while other more sophisticated uncertainty models have not been sufficiently studied. In this regard, this paper proposes a fully robust Home Energy Management model, which accounts for all the inherent uncertainties that may arise in domestic installations. In contrast to previous researches, robust optimization is applied to all the uncertainties, resulting in a tractable, but robust yet paradigm model which allows to adapt the degree of robustness. A case study is conducted on a benchmark prosumer paradigm to validate the new proposal as well as highlight the benefits of flexible appliances. Results reveal the usefulness of the new tool, which allows to handle very unfavourable uncertain profiles, especially in case of the electric vehicles, for which a very low initial state-of-charge and early departure time can be assumed, leading to more conservative results that suppose incrementing the electricity bill by 38 %.
Spanish layman's summary:
Este artículo presenta un modelo de gestión de la energía doméstica que aborda las incertidumbres de las instalaciones domésticas mediante una optimización robusta. Un estudio de caso sobre un prosumidor de referencia demuestra sus beneficios, especialmente en escenarios desafiantes como los vehículos eléctricos, mostrando un aumento del 38% en los costes de electricidad.
English layman's summary:
This paper introduces a Home Energy Management model, addressing uncertainties in domestic setups through robust optimization. A case study on a prosumer benchmark demonstrates its benefits, especially in challenging scenarios like electric vehicles, showing a 38% increase in electricity costs.
Keywords: Battery energy storage; Electric vehicle; Home energy management; Robust optimization; Uncertainty
JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 8,900 - Q1 (2023)
DOI reference:
Published on paper: November 2023.
Published on-line: August 2023.
M. Tostado-Véliz, H.M. Hasanien, R.A. Turky, A.R. Jordehi, S.A. Mansouri, F. Jurado, A fully robust home energy management model considering real time price and on-board vehicle batteries. Journal of Energy Storage. Vol. 72, nº. Part B, pp. 108531-1 - 108531-14, November 2023. [Online: August 2023]